Get involved#

Neuroscout open-source and designed to be a community-oriented project, and we welcome contributions!

Ask a question πŸ™‹#

If you have issues when using Neuroscout, or if you have questions on how to use it, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

There are currently two main ways to interact with the Neuroscout team: through the neurostars forum and through GithHub issues.

The prefered way to get in ask a general question is to ask a question on NeuroStars with the topic neuroscout. This ensures that your question can be answered by an member of the neuroscout team, or even other knowledgable people from the community. Asking questions or reporting issues is important, because it ca help connect users experiencing the same problem!

Report a bug πŸ› or request a feature πŸ’‘#

If you’d like to report a bug or request a feature, you can do so Neuroscout GitHub repository.

Be sure to search our GitHub repository for existing bug reports that may cover the issue you are having.

We also welcome suggestions to this documentation website. Please submit an issue, or make changes in the Neuroscout Docs repository.

Project planning πŸ—“οΈ#

We use GitHub extensively for project planning and feature prioritization. If you see an issue that is important to you, please upvote it πŸ‘ or comment to express the importance of this issue.

Contribute code ✍️#

We also welcome contributions from the community. Feel free to submit a Pull Request on GitHub to any of our respositories if you have a bug fix, or feature implementation. Just be aware that it can often be better to discuss your approach with developers early to get feedback and direction. It may be best to start a discussion in an issue prior to starting to code.